Experiencing the Love of His Presence
Discover God's Plan for your life
There is always more in the Lord.
Congratulations for taking the responsibility to take your next steps of intimacy and maturity. We are glad to accompany you on your spiritual journey and see you grow in faith and enjoy a life of freedom and fulfillment.
While there is no graduation in the life of faith, progression and promotion is the order of the day (Prov. 4:18). Be sure to begin your journey with the four steps in our Growth Track (see below).
Then move forward to other steps according to your personal pace.
Remaining fruitful and progressive in your relationship with Jesus Christ, requires that you stay connected with Him (John 15:5).
To avoid the distraction and disruption of faith, a victorious believer needs a strong foundation of faith that can withstand the attacks of the enemy. Understanding basic tenets of Christianity will not only strengthen your faith and protect you from doubt, fear, deception, confusion, and other attacks from the enemies of faith, it will also help you to master apologetics (a religious discipline of defending religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse.) Step up your faith today.
Stay connected and rooted!
Growth Track
To enjoy a fulfilled life of a believer, growing up is a requirement. Nobody can grow up for you so you need to take the responsibility.
The Growth Track consists of four progressive steps that guide you to discover your potential and fulfil your life purpose.
Discovering, Developing & Deploying
Your Potentials / Talents to fulfill Life Purpose
We observe Baptism (a person submerged under water) as an important step of obeying and identifying with Jesus Christ. The practice shows others that we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation. Water baptism symbolizes the death of the old man and is only relevant after one is saved. We encourage everyone to participate as instructed by Jesus in fulfilment of all righteousness (Matt.3.15)
Public declaration of being a follower of Jesus Christ, starting a changed life in Christ, and being a part of a new family.
Small Groups
Small Groups bring people together in order to share meaningful relationships within the community of believers. Our Small Groups exist to make life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.
Finding freedom in relationship
Dream Team
The Dream Team (workers) is a group of incredible people that have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving in them. They work together to offer a great experience in every Church service. The group advances the Kingdom of God within and outside the Church. Disciples, fivefold ministers and other dedicated ministers of the gospel begins their journey from here.
Making the difference as you join team of doers and world changers.
Taking the gospel of Jesus Christ across all nations of the world.
Our Discipleship program is a formal and informal training for those aspiring to lead campuses and ministries in a position of ministers and pastors. Discipleship requires a committed and sacrificial lifestyle: “Jesus said to his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me’” (Matthew 16:24; Luke 14:33).