Begin your journey to peace...
Salvation speaks of receiving deliverance from our greatest problem; namely, sin and the many consequences of our sin against a holy God. 1 Timothy 1:15 is clear that Jesus came into the world to save sinners. This means every sinner, if he/she is to be saved will be saved through Christ.
Read through the whole BIBLE in a year.
The One Year® Bible Reading Plan reading page assumes that you begin reading on January 1st of the current year.
However, if you choose to study on your own speed, you can also use the Personal One Year® Reading Plan For The Year. Happy reading.
Cultivating a heavenly lifestyle of a worshipper
Miracles always happen when the terrestrial meets the celestial. Every time praise goes up, the grace of God comes down.
You need just to take the responsibility of entering the Gates of Heaven with thanksgiving and never stop till you switch on to praise if enjoying grace is your target (Psalm 100:4.)
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Like eagles, though we are born to soar, we also need to regularly renew our strength through the instrument of prayer.
Nothing renews a believer’s power like fasting and prayer.
It moves believers beyond the natural into the supernatural presence of God.
Fasting and prayer are means of empowerment for believers.
Download prayer points to guide your victorious exercise.
Follow all guidelines to our Fasting & Prayer.
God is faithful to fulfil all His promises. This year is a leap year, containing 366 days and we have collated 366 promises of God valid for our present “dispensation of grace”.
Get lifted up in faith and spirit. Go another step with God as you enhance your knowledge and encounter through various avenues of faith. You can step up in faith by learning the process right here.
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Schweizer news...

It is a love tragedy.
It started with a loving God creating man in His image and likeness in order to fellowship with them. In the beginning, man lived in Paradise, in harmony with his Creator. Gen.1:31
Then man was misled to sin and disobey God leading to his being expelled out of Paradise. The consequence of sin was the separation of man from the Holy God, eternally. That is the original meaning of death. Rom.3:10, 23
God out of love sent His son Jesus Christ to atone for the sin of man so that man can be restored to Him. The birth, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ was a bittersweet event that gives everyman a chance to be restored to the heavenly Father. That was because the debt had been paid. There is no more condemnation to those who will accept the sacrifice of Christ. John 3:16
Bad news is that we have all sinned. You too!
The good news is that Jesus Christ has taken it upon Himself to pay the full price so all can be restored to God.
Will you choose to enjoy that privilege? John 14:6
How will this great story end for you? It is your decision!
Will you accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice and enjoy everlasting life with a loving God or refuse and end in everlasting tragedy?
Prayer of acceptance: Jesus I believe you are the son of God and that you died for my sins. Forgive me my sins and the eternal consequence of damnation. I receive you as my Lord and Saviour. I will follow you forever. Amen.
Basic Steps in a Christian life: HIS story is your story
Prayer - Build relationship with God in prayer
Bible - Grow deeply in the Lord by studying His words
Church - Fellowship with other believers (body of Christ)
Share -Share life experience and encounter with Christ.
Next Step
HIS story is your story
Begin to write your story today by taking the next step of faith.
​Start a "9 part" course to enhance your faith today.